❄ Winter Update!
update!!SStreltiziaWe've added commands and we made a few QoL changes!Feedback | Suggestions | Issue Reports are always welcome!!!
❄ Winter Update!
❄ Winter Update!
❄ Howdy there!!!
- /feedback - Submit a bug or make a suggestion. These reports get posted on our development board!
- /snowball pack - Pack up to 3 Snowballs that you can throw at people!
- /snowball throw - Throw a snowball at someone! You might make them drop their snowballs!
⬆ Level Up
- The Leveling System has been changed!! You can now get 💰 or items from leveling up!
- Levels are Dynamically controlled now so If we need to make changes to xp requirements or rewards we can do it on the fly!
⚙QoL Updates
- There was an issue where streamer notifications weren't getting sent because their channel name had changed. Strelitzia will now update Notifications when there is a name change!
- There was a issue where we couldn't connect to Voice Channels correctly due to a dependency issue. We are now using a different version of the dep and are able to connect a-ok!
- /twitch has a role select menu for you to add roles to mention to notifications.
- We fixed an issue where commands had duplicate options
Sheeeesh that was quite a bit! There is still more coming of course! Thank you for reading this!
Always more to come.
- Strx Devs
- Date
- 12/6/2022